Los Angeles Clippers Media Conference

Monday, August 17, 2020

Los Angeles, California, USA

Doc Rivers

Postgame Press Conference

Clippers 118, Mavericks 110

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Doc.

Q. What did you change about the defense in the second half?

DOC RIVERS: (Indiscernible), but we really had an undisciplined game today on both ends, especially defensively with some of our helps.

If I had to single out one guy, it would be Marcus Morris. Defensively he was phenomenal.

Q. What did you feel like was the steadying influence that helped you come back after Dallas runs off the 48-18 run?

DOC RIVERS: We just stayed in it. I thought we got up so quick, our guys, I guess they thought Dallas was just going to go away. They're just too good offensively.

Then from that point on, for Dallas to get the lead, we just made undisciplined play after undisciplined play defensively. Then I thought offensively we start taking quick shots. We thought the game was going to be easy.

It's probably a great lesson for us, you know. Doesn't matter what the lead is or who you're playing, you're in the Playoffs, it's going to be hard. I think our guys are going to understand that from this point forward.

Q. First Playoff game with Kawhi and P.G. What does it feel like watching those two?

DOC RIVERS: I thought they were both very good. It was just a tough game to focus on when I was looking at how we were playing defensively.

Q. Marcus, what did you think of him offensively?

DOC RIVERS: He was solid. He was patient. I thought he was actually one of our more patient players tonight. He kind of just let the matchups happen. When they did happen in his favor, he took advantage of it.

I don't think he forced anything. He kind of let the game come to him. I didn't think a lot of our guys did that tonight. I thought we were trying to force action instead of letting the game come to us.

Q. Obviously Trez was still a little limited. From today's shootaround until tonight, what was it like having him back?

DOC RIVERS: It was great. It's just tough. You don't miss a month and then put a guy in a Playoff game and expect anything miraculous. I thought he was solid overall.

It's funny. I asked him how his wind was. He said, My wind is great, I just can't think out there right now, I haven't played. He said, I keep running to the wrong spot.

I think that's probably from just not playing basketball.

Q. Are you still trying to figure out what the right rotation is for you guys?

DOC RIVERS: Yeah, I mean, we don't have one right now because with all the minute limitations and guys coming in and out from injury. We just have a makeshift rotation. It will probably be that way for a couple more games until you feel like everybody's kind of got their legs under them.

Q. Luka, I think he set a scoring record for a post-season debut. Talk about his poise as such a young age.

DOC RIVERS: He's amazing. I thought we guarded him pretty well, forced him into a lot of tough shots, forced him into 11 turnovers.

I thought what we did poorly, what shows his greatness, is every time we made a mistake on the weak side, he found that guy and that guy made a shot.

I didn't mind his basket attacks. I didn't mind his threes. I mind our help so he could get the assists. I'll give up the points to him, I just don't want to give up the points and the assists. I think we allowed him to have both tonight.


DOC RIVERS: Thank you.

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