Los Angeles Clippers Media Conference

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Los Angeles, California, USA

Luka Dončić

Postgame Press Conference

Q. Luka, you said post-game you were reminded how much fun it is to play in the playoffs. In a win like this, how much fun did you have out there playing in this atmosphere with the Clippers tonight?

LUKA DONCIC: It's great. Like I said, playoffs are fun. They're more fun if you win, obviously, but it's fun basketball. I think it's fun for the fans to watch, and that's it.

Q. Luka, what did you think of the way that they approached defending you from early on switching stuff, and then later in the game sending doubles, and how you handled that?

LUKA DONCIC: I think I've just got to adjust. When they throw the ball, attack it. But when they double, there's somebody who's going to be open. Just got to read the game. That's the point for me.

Q. Rick said that he kind of views this time of year as your best time of year. I'm curious why do you think that, when the stakes are the highest, you tend to be at your very best?

LUKA DONCIC: I don't know. I hope that I'm at my best, but I think that's far off. I'm only in my third season. I still have a lot to learn. We just go out there, have fun, and try to win the game.

Q. Fourth quarter, you had one point, and it looked like they went at you a lot. Were you tired in that fourth quarter?

LUKA DONCIC: I mean, they were double-teaming, first of all, on every possession. My legs were kind of like sore, but we won the game, man. That's all that matters to me. If I have 0 or 15 points, that's what's important.

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