Q. Last time y'all had to prepare for the Suns in past years y'all won a game on a Friday night and had to get ready for a matinee. Having five days, really more than that, because you probably knew you had this team for a while, what do you anticipate the preparation differences being like this time around?
TERANCE MANN: I think now that we have time, we have a couple days in between to really go over things, figure them out as best we can, and take these days to go over what they do best offensively and defensively.
Q. What do you kind of read -- you've played this team, Monty as a head coach, you've played them so much over the last three years. What is your biggest takeaway over what you're most comfortable with?
TERANCE MANN: I mean, it's tough. They've been good for the last three years. They've played with a lot of confidence. They're really good in the mid-range. That's tough to play because you've going to be honest with a team like that where you've got three guys who shoot really well in the mid-range. I think just being as physical as we can, keep them out of there as best we can is what we'll probably try and look to do to start off.
Q. They've only played eight games together, that trio, KD, Book and CP. Have you been able to watch any of that footage at all?
TERANCE MANN: No, not yet, no.
Q. What do you anticipate them being able to do with that trio? What does that give them the ability to do?
TERANCE MANN: I mean, they have Kevin Durant, so...
Q. Enough said?
TERANCE MANN: Yeah. That's just really it. They have Kevin Durant, so it's not just any trio. You've got one of the best scorers of all time out there that you've got to worry about now. It's going to be a completely different game plan from when we played them in the past. I think it's almost a completely different team because he's out there.
Q. Even though it is different, you did have a lot of success earlier this year, I think 26 points, 10 of 12. What was it in that game that made you so successful that you think you can bring into this series and kind of bottle it up?
TERANCE MANN: Being aggressive. Yeah.
Q. You've had success in games in the last season or this season where you sort of allowed a superstar scorer like a Luka or a Steph to get their points by bottling up everybody else and making them super inefficient. How is that challenge different with this team when you have Devin Booker playing off of KD and CP?
TERANCE MANN: Yeah, like I said, it's going to be a way different game plan, so it's not going to be easy to do that. Say we do blitz KD, trap him; you've still got to worry about Devin Booker and CP out there. It's not going to be easy, but these coaches always come up with great game plans, so we'll see what they come up with.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports