Q. You look at where the series is right now, in what ways do you feel like the team can just find something different for this game tomorrow that you haven't seen yet so far in this series?
MASON PLUMLEE: You mean different like in terms of adjustments or --
Q. Yeah.
MASON PLUMLEE: I think we're playing the way that we want to play. I think just being a little bit more solid. Just a couple turnovers in the last game that hurt us.
Our defense is good. I think offensively we could do ourselves some favors with some -- a little bit more like, Ty talked about at halftime last game, more movement, player-involved movement.
But we're playing how we want to play. I think we could break through here.
Q. How do you get through all the stuff when it comes to mentally knowing that you've got to play at such a high level, even if you have full squads in the Playoffs, guys with maximum effort and everything, preparation, but when you know you're shorthanded, how do you mentally take care of yourself and get ready for that kind of play?
MASON PLUMLEE: Well, I think you just embrace it. The challenge is exciting. You look forward to what the game requires, and that's what it does right now. If we want to keep playing, we've got to find a way.
To me, you look forward to a game like this down in Phoenix.
Q. I know there's some uncontrollable elements to this, but what do you think can be done in terms of the foul line situation?
MASON PLUMLEE: I feel like that's a setup. (Laughter.)
I mean, I don't know the numbers other than -- the one that really stood out to me was just you play the game -- I play opposite Russ a lot in the dunker, and to see him attack and attack and attack, and then to see him not -- I don't think he shot a lot of free throws last game, so it was just like -- you've just got to keep putting the pressure on the defense and on the refs to get in there and -- I think some of the guys, Norm has gotten up to the foul line, but you would like to see us -- I think we're a good free-throw shooting team, so it would be good to get up there.
Q. I know Ty talked about hoping to wear down Phoenix. Tell me what you guys saw, just playing faster. Is that what's contributing to the live ball turnovers is just trying to speed them up?
MASON PLUMLEE: Yeah, I think that could be part of it, but we're definitely making a conscious effort to get out and run. But yeah, just got to take care of the ball.
Q. With that, it feels like you guys have been right there in all of these losses. Going into a game like this one you guys have coming up, does that help give you confidence knowing that a few of these things that are on you guys honestly can be adjusted and even despite that you're right there?
MASON PLUMLEE: Yeah, I think so. The games have been close, so we're right there, and like I said, we have a chance to go down there and really break through and figure it out at the right time.
Q. Mason, I believe Phoenix is shooting like 50 percent from the mid range in this series. Obviously they have a lot of great mid-range shooters, and it's a shot you guys want to give up, but when you see a team do that against you, can it be frustrating when that is the shot you want to give up?
MASON PLUMLEE: I think to me when you say "frustrating," I think of Chris Paul throwing the ball up with 13 seconds on the shot clock. To me those are the ones.
Every team talks about rear-view contest on those mid-range -- I've never been on a team that's had so many blocks from behind like the way Russ is trailing and Norm and Terance and those guys. Our defense has been pretty good. Like they've had some -- Booker in particular has hit some really tough mid-range twos, but like you said, that's a game plan thing, and we just have to make them as tough as possible.
Q. How do you feel like you all can get more interior touches, not just you but Zu, as well? Seems like every time Deandre sets a ball screen, he's rolling, he's either getting to a great spot or he's opening up -- do you feel like you can duplicate some of that when y'all have the ball?
MASON PLUMLEE: Yeah, I think so. A lot of the guys that we screen for -- Russ is looking to pass first and then he scores anyway, but I think a lot of the guys that we're screening for, they're downhill, they're looking for their shot, so it's more our job to get them open. But Deandre is playing off Chris Paul, who's been throwing lobs to bigs for a long time. A lot of that is just like defensively what do you want to give up.
But I think getting in good position down there and then making ourselves available could help us this next game.
Q. How have you not allowed yourself to get demoralized with some of the injury luck that you guys have had?
MASON PLUMLEE: I think just realizing how hard it is to get to the playoffs, what a privilege it is to play in the playoffs. I was just thinking to myself driving, it's been three years since I've gotten the chance to play in the playoffs.
Things are going to happen. Guys aren't going to be available all the time. You always have a chance, and any team can win on any given night. It's just, it's enough for us.
Q. How have you seen Kawhi and PG hang in through everything with not being able to be on the court but being around the team?
MASON PLUMLEE: Yeah, I think it's meaningful that they're on the bench and in the locker room. Obviously would love to have them out there, but not all players come out and support and make the trip and that, so it's been great to have them.
Q. When you got here, the whole goal from Ty was to get all of you guys as much continuity with PG and Kawhi and the established players as much as possible to make a real run in the playoffs. How hard has it been the last two weeks or ever since Paul got hurt to have plans shift so much and you guys have to adjust on the fly?
MASON PLUMLEE: Yeah, it is a lot. When you're talking about the offense, obviously they're a major focal point of that. You adjust to them, teams doubling Kawhi, teams putting a lot of attention to Paul, and now it's a very different-looking offense.
But you know, we've got older guys. We've got guys who have played in different systems, so you can make the most of it. We have enough. We have enough to go win. We have enough to go win the whole series. We just have to go get one in Phoenix and then go from there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports