WNBA Draft

Monday, April 15, 2024

Las Vegas Aces

Dyaisha Fair

Q. How much of an impact did Rochester play on your journey to where you are today?

DYAISHA FAIR: It played a big role, knowing that we have a few athletes that have already came out of there, and to be one of them means a lot.

Q. I wanted to ask you about your story. There's so much that we haven't heard, even with being third all time in the women's scoring in the NCAA. What do you want to say to people now that you're in the WNBA?

DYAISHA FAIR: That's a really good question. I think I want to say that no matter what anyone says or anyone may think, and specifically regarding my height, I'm here, and watch me work.

Q. What does it mean to you obviously now that you are where you are and you're going directly to this Aces team, what comes to mind first especially where you can contribute, especially from scoring?

DYAISHA FAIR: To know that I'm going to such a special team with quite a few veterans means a lot. It's something like a perfect situation, I'm coming in to learn, and there's a lot to learn from, and like I said, there are a few vets on this squad. So to be able to walk into this situation is kind of perfect for me.

Q. What would you tell young players looking to come into the WNBA? What would you tell them about your journey, especially if they're going through a situation where you persevered and you still ended up getting drafted at this point in the draft?

DYAISHA FAIR: The first thing I would say to them is don't allow anyone to dim your light, no matter your size. I've dealt with that all the way up until today, tonight. Other than that, I would say that no matter what happens, if you want to achieve something, you can do that.

Q. Obviously to go to a place where you can learn from Chelsea Gray, tell me how you want to further evolve your game. Certainly, you've been among the elite scorers of all time but your play-making has always been a critical part of what you've brought to the table. How much do you feel like it brought you here today?

DYAISHA FAIR: I want to learn from the vets as much as possible. I want to add a little bit of everything to my game. I want it to expand. I also want my IQ for the game to expand, as well.

Yes, I can score the ball, but what else are you able to do? I think that with those guards over there, they're going to do a wonderful job of helping me.

Q. We've talked a lot about in Syracuse how close you were with Coach Jack. How excited are you to now play for a new coach in Coach Hammon, one of the best in the league?

DYAISHA FAIR: I'm very excited. I think that it's a full-circle moment for me. I was nominated for that Becky Hammon point guard award, I believe, three seasons in a row when I was at Buffalo. For me to have not received it and to be drafted by her when the time was right has been a full-circle moment, so I'm ready, and I'm ready to go.

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