Atlanta Falcons Media Conference

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Coach Dan Quinn

Postgame Press Conference

Bears - 30, Falcons - 26

DAN QUINN: Obviously really two disappointing endings over the last two weeks. I told you earlier we've got to find our way to finish. We'll hit the road a week from tomorrow and make sure that result has to be different at the end of the game. That's where we're at. Glad to open up to your questions.

Q. A week ago you said you were pissed with the way things unfolded. What did you say to the guys and how did they recover from this mentally?

DAN QUINN: I said this last two week stretch is about as tough as it can get, and I do feel that way. When you have chances to go win it and you come out on the other end, they definitely hurt. So basically what we've came down to, to say it's not okay and how do we find ways to finish better, and that's where our emphasis will be headed into this week because there's plenty out there for us but we've got to be able to finish. It's been a tough two-game stretch for this team, especially how the last two have ended.

Q. Multiple touchdowns in the fourth quarter, clock management seems to be an issue. What's been your communication with Dirk and why so many pass plays when the opportunity to run would have milked time off the clock?

DAN QUINN: Yeah, I think those are easy to look back at. We definitely communicated on those, and if you complete them and you move the chains, those are ones to go. Obviously going in we were planning on converting some of the ones that were short, especially the shorter ones, so when you don't have those, there's consequences for them. But we certainly expect to connect on a screen or other plays that would use the clock.

Q. In the fourth quarter the struggles, is that on coaching, the way other teams have been able to respond?

DAN QUINN: Well, number one, it falls on me in all spaces. I want to make sure we're clear on that. But we're all in this together. So when there's a game, there's things to do differently offensively, defensively, on teams. We are all connected on it together, but at the end of the game, the results and setting up things for how it will go, that falls right through me.

Q. Do you have the confidence you can get this team back on the winning track, and if so, what gives you that confidence?

DAN QUINN: Well, yeah, I've got a lot of confidence in this team because I spent the entire training camp with them. I know the features that they have, the things that we can do, and I'm certainly anticipating us doing that. Like I said, the last two weeks and the endings of those have been nothing short of crushing. But I would say this team, as close as they are, as tightly connected as they are, they're going to find a way to push through and regroup and find our own way of winning at the end, and we'll do that.

Q. Have you spoken with Arthur following the game, and how concerned are you about your job status following these two weeks?

DAN QUINN: Well, yeah, we visit every week, pregame, postgame, Mondays, through the week, but any time honestly that I take away from that is time that all I can do is be in front of the team. I said, I need to be the same guy on our best days and our worst days and stand tall for them and bring the energy and the coaching and the focus that we need to go win. Anything past that does not help the team. So all I can focus on is us playing better and finishing better, and so that's where my focus will be and remains to be.

Q. When the Bears were making that run, were there moments out there where you really needed your veterans in Rico and Darqueze and Grady who were either injured or on the sidelines because of injury?

DAN QUINN: Yeah, I think every team deals with that, and we certainly had our share today, but at the end of it we've got to be able to make plays when our moments came for them, and we had our chances at the end, whether it's taking the interception, making a tackle. When those plays come, you've got to deliver. When you don't, those are the consequences. So yeah, our team is hurting tonight, but we will regroup. They're a very tight and connected team. They're upset. They're angry, just like we all are, as we should be. But they also are very connected and will put all their effort into our game, like I said, one week from tomorrow.

Q. Postgame Todd Gurley said that Dante Fowler spoke up and said some things after the game; can you elaborate on that, please?

DAN QUINN: Yeah, for sure. I think just at that moment the emotion comes out and how badly everybody wants it, and so you just can sense that from Dante and others, Alex Mack and Matt and just knowing what's at stake, how hard we've got to go. Yeah, our backs are to the wall. We recognize that. So that's fight like crazy together to do that. When you're cornered you fight harder and you dig deeper, and I think that's what this team will do.

Q. Are you afraid that the identity of this team will be having big leads and not being able to hold on to it?

DAN QUINN: Well, let's wait until we get all the way through. I think that's the best part of an identity, it's not something that you do early, it's not something that you tag on late, it's got to be the whole season, and there's going to be a lot of football to play and a lot of wins to have, but make no mistake, the finish has to be better.

Q. It appears Calvin Ridley said something to you at the end of the game. Can you speak about what Calvin said to you?

DAN QUINN: I think it was -- it probably was when we took the ball over. He's such a competitor, so I was like, here's our chance to go win it, so let's go win it, is probably what I said to him in that spot. He was pissed, he was angry like we all are, but we knew we had a chance to go win the game on the last drive, and so that's probably what I was hitting him on.

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