Atlanta Falcons Media Conference

Friday, October 4, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Coach Raheem Morris

Postgame Press Conference

Falcons 36, Buccaneers 30

RAHEEM MORRIS: Let's go, guys. Let's talk stats.

Great job, man. Obviously got the desired result. Won today. Guys played well. Played hard. I think played to the end.

With that, open up to questions.

Q. Coach, could you discuss the play of Kirk Cousins today?

RAHEEM MORRIS: Outstanding.

Q. Could you discuss his play in overtime?

RAHEEM MORRIS: Outstanding.

Q. Could you discuss the play of Hodge that won the game and the celebration that ensued?

RAHEEM MORRIS: The guys went out there and played together, and that was the most important thing. These guys go out there and play well together, for each other.

And I can't say enough about the coordinator, I can't day enough about the players, I can't say enough about the offensive staff, I can't say enough good things about our organization and what they do for us, our culture we've built around here.

And it didn't start with me. It's been going on for a long time, and I'm extremely excited to be a part of it.

Q. We heard you joke about stats. Kirk did throw for 500 yards, which would seem like a pretty significant thing.

RAHEEM MORRIS: It's okay. We're just scratching the surface with him.

Q. What did you feel like he was doing today that maybe worked a little bit better?

RAHEEM MORRIS: Just confidence, going out there, and his game is getting better every single week. That's what he's been doing since he came back. He's coming off a significant injury, and I've watched him get better every single week.

Every single week it's been better, whether it's been explosive, execution, whether it's just a rhythm and routine with him and Zac and our offensive staff.

It's just getting better and better. That is what happened today.

Q. Kirk, when he came off the field after the final drive in regulation, you guys had a little interchange on the sideline. What were you saying to him in that moment?

RAHEEM MORRIS: None of your business, to be honest.

Q. Game winner in overtime to go to KhaDarel Hodge. After everything that his career has been going too community college, being undrafted, what does that say about who he is and that moment for him?

RAHEEM MORRIS: Yeah, it's not just about him. We talk about this thing, and let me tell you, when we got here, we said this team was created with our whole team, organization, the our 53-man roster, all the 16 practice squad guys. We are all one big team together.

He's no different. When his number is called two weeks in a row, scoring a touchdown, whether it's on special teams, offense, I'm really excited at who he is and what he's made of and what it's about.

He's made of everything that our cloth is here in Atlanta. He's about our community. He's about people first. He's about supporting others. He's just all the things, everything we're about.

Q. How difficult was the decision on the punt not to go for the I guess the -- give them the ball back. Was that an iffy call at all will or because of the difference was that a no-brainer for you?

RAHEEM MORRIS: You know, they're all iffy, you know what I mean? It was a difficult discussion but it was made by us, it was made together. Obviously it was a great choice.

Q. You said last week I think you were trying to show this team poise. Is that what's going on with you today? That was a pretty wild game and you come in here and you're pretty -- or is this just you?

RAHEEM MORRIS: Yeah, I don't ride the emotional roller coaster. I leave that with my guys. Not with you guys. You know, I won't do that, that emotional roller coaster with you guys, be upset when we lose or be overly excited when we win.

Just like to stay even keel for these guys, be poised for our organization, be able to go out here and put our best foot forward. Today got the desired result and makes it a little bit easier to do that.

Q. What was the explanation of the delay of game?

RAHEEM MORRIS: I have no idea. I am still confused. I'll find out. I'll ask the guys.

Q. Coach, what are your impressions of David's performance in his first game back?

RAHEEM MORRIS: First game back you say?

Q. Yeah.


Q. Yes, David.

RAHEEM MORRIS: He's been playing all year. He's been doing good. He has been doing really great for us. Obviously today made a couple big plays. I got to go look at the tape and see exactly what happened. There was a lot of things going on there, especially with the overtime.

He played really well our for us and he is a guy I lean on every single day for his leadership and his command, and very grateful for that room. Such a great job and was awesome to see.

Q. Do you think I guys might be a team of destiny? Ask that every week I guess.

RAHEEM MORRIS: I don't want to have to call yourself a team of destiny. There is only one team of destiny every single year, and we'll figure that out when we get there. Hopefully it goes down to New Orleans and you can ask me the same question.

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