Los Angeles Football Club Media Conference

Monday, July 13, 2020

Brian Rodriguez

Press Conference

LAFC 3, Houston 3

Q. I wanted to ask if you feel relief for scoring your first goal with LAFC tonight, and if in any way, especially with the time you had to wait between games, if it was sort of weighing on you, you know, getting that first goal, kind of completing the work that you've been doing by getting that first goal here for LAFC.

BRIAN RODRIGUEZ: Sure, as I said before, this is something I look for as in the very beginning. Scoring gives me a lot of trust. I feel I have evolved a lot, and of course by scoring and by playing, I feel a little bit more loose, and that helps me a lot. And also scoring helps me a lot.

Like I said before, you know, playing with Brad, he also helps a lot throughout the match, and he makes the attacks -- the attack a lot easier. It gives me and it gives the team a lot more trust.

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