“Spanish portion of press conference translated into English below:
Q. How did you see the game today being so close to winning and being first in the group to go against the champions of the league, what thoughts do you have about that?
FRANCISCO GINELLA: We know how important it was to win today because it was a point to add to the fight in the conference. I think at that moment we did a good job in the game and it took a quick turn but I always think that football shows you in the end the details are what define everything and we weren't as precise in the details in not making goals that we are concentrating, but we don't know.
Q. I don't know what else Bob could say about not being able to win the game to win the points for the championship or about controlling the destiny to the next rival that you didn't face Seattle last year, but what have you heard within your teammates, that maybe they prefer Cincinnati?
FRANCISCO GINELLA: I think that we are focused in winning because we have to win the final.
The club is the one who sends in the best that we have to the final.
So if we end up going against Seattle I think we have a great team and we're confident in ourselves to keep advancing.
Q. Like you say you have a great group with a lot of young talented players that are coming in with the desire to win and the desire to keep growing to get to an important league in Europe.
Talk to me a little bit about being here playing with Diego and maybe at some point to jump to the old continent.
FRANCISCO GINELLA: Well, I think today we're closer.
It's not time to think about that, we have to work game after game.
What's the best way to do what we can and in the end be able to say that I had a good career.
It's being giving it your all and being focused in the moment.
We have a big challenge ahead of us with Seattle and we're going to focus on that.
Seattle is what every player wants to play in the big league but for that we have to play well, maybe one day, but like I said and I will repeat it, we're focused here in winning our games, if God wants, the championship.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports