Los Angeles Football Club Media Conference

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Diego Rossi

Press Conference

LAFC 5, San Jose 1

Q. Congratulations on a great recovery by your team. I'd like to ask you, when I'm watching you now, and I'm sure most of us watch you out there, you seem to have a certain demeanor and calm about the way you go about things on the field now especially since Carlos isn't on the field right now. Can you tell me what you've learned from him aside from the technical aspects, about conducting yourself on the field?

DIEGO ROSSI: Yeah, all the players here, Carlos has got a lot of experience and he try always to put his experience in the train for us, but I think we try -- all the young players try to learn about the experience guys and it's good to have them here in our team.

Q. It seems every time you guys play San Jose, it's like a perfect matchup. You guys always have these lopsided scores with them. Today you scored five. What is it you guys have figured out about playing San Jose?

DIEGO ROSSI: Yeah, it was a good game, this one. It's always a fair game and they have a special way of defending. Today we do it well. We have the control of the game, and that's our way of playing and I think that we do it well.

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