Chicago Fire Media Conference

Friday, July 17, 2020

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Kenneth Kronholm

Press Conference

Q. Kenny, from what we've seen while you guys have been in Orlando on different guys social media, videos that the club has put out the last couple days and weeks, seems like you're enjoying one another off the field despite some of the challenges of being in the bubble and at hearing to all the health and safety protocols. How would you assess team chemistry despite all these external factors at this point?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: That's a good first question. Yeah, we spend a lot of time in the hotel room, and so if we want to leave the hotel room, we have to put the masks on and sanitize our hands all the time and do a lot of things just to come out of the room.

Finally if we are out of the room, we enjoy the time. We enjoy the time in the lobby, meet some guys with social distancing, as well. Do stuff like this year, media stuff, we do a lot of, yeah, talking to each other. Yeah, play mini-golf, something like that.

So yeah, we enjoy the time out of the room, that's correct.

Q. They mentioned in the broadcast during your game against Seattle, looks like there could be a particular challenge for goalkeepers in the early game if you're facing the way where the sun is rising. For you, was there anything particularly challenging about playing that 9:00 AM game with the sun? There's a suggestion that maybe MLS goalkeepers will wear hats in the tournament. How are those early games specifically for you difficult as a goalkeeper?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: I think for the whole team it's difficult because you've got the full sun at 9:00 AM. The weather is just amazing. I mean, it's so hot, and you have to fight against the other team against the weather and against the time.

But for me as a goalkeeper, it doesn't matter. So I have to focus on my job, on my goalkeeping and yes, for this 90 or even 100 minutes, I have to put all other stuff away and just focus on the ball.

Q. Just want to ask you, how is the team feeling, the confidence, and what do you think winning against Seattle?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Yeah, for us -- nice pic in back of you.

We have a lot of confidence now; the win against the champion is always a good thing. Yeah, we have to work hard, especially the next game is still the most important game, always, in playing soccer.

So we have to focus on San Jose Earthquakes, and yeah do a good job against San Jose, as well.

Q. We saw Mauricio drop into a center back position against Seattle. What do you see in him and how is your communication with him in the back line?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Yeah, we have a great communication. That's one of our strength. Especially Mauricio is a guy who always wants the ball, and that makes it much easier for me because I know he's always available for me, so yeah, he's a really good guy and I'm happy to have one of these guys in front of me.

Q. I hope your giant dog is doing well without you.

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Can you say it again?

Q. I hope your giant dog is doing well without you at home.

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Yeah, he's alone at home. I hope he's good, as well.

Q. A couple weeks ago, I remember you saying in an interview that was put out by MLS that you were excited to get going, and you said you were smiling underneath your mask because you were excited at what this team could do. The team did it the other day against Seattle, and tell me how much hard work went into getting to that point and how good do you think this Fire team can be?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Yeah, for us, I'm still smiling. I can repeat myself again and again: I think we have a very good team spirit. We have a high-quality team. We work hard together. I can give you an easy example. Our gym sessions are always not mandatory, but the whole team, so 100 percent of the team is joining the gym sessions. These are small things, small things that makes me happy. So every time we are on the pitch together, I think we are feeling -- so yeah, that makes it much easier for the match day.

Q. Francisco wore the captain's armband the other day. Can you tell us about his leadership qualities?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: Yeah, he's a great guy, and he deserves the captain. Yeah, I have nothing to say; he's a good captain. He's our captain, and I am proud to be a part of the whole team, but he is our leader.

Q. I wanted to get your thoughts on Robert Beric. What have you seen in training and the games that make him effective?

KENNETH KRONHOLM: In Germany, you would say to guys like -- he has kalte schnauze; he has a cold mouth, because he's so cold inside the box. He don't need many chances to score, and that makes him strong. He's a good guy, as well, like every other guy in our team.

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100194-1-1003 2020-07-17 20:04:00 GMT

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