Chicago Fire Media Conference

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Francisco Calvo

Press Conference

Q. With the run of results you guys have had, what is the mood of the team like? You guys had some pretty frustrating results and now you're pretty much sitting at the bottom of the table if I'm not mistaken. What's the mood of the team like, especially heading into this weekend against Columbus, which is a pretty good team that you guys suffered a pretty frustrating loss to last month?

FRANCISCO CALVO: Yeah, we're not happy. We're not happy because we want to win every game, but I think that most of the team is, as well. We can't put our heads down. We don't have time for that, all right. We just have time for come back here, train, correct our mistakes and keep going. If you see -- I can see most of the games or all the games we control a lot of the time the game in our good position. We create a lot of chances.

The other day we were having like a little period where we were not scoring goals, and in the back if we make a little mistake they're scoring against us. We've got to fix that. That's going to come. We're still positive, and I'm pretty sure this Saturday we're going to get a good result.

Q. The first five games of this phase one of the return to the regular season came in such a tight window with matches every four days or so. How are everyone's legs holding up, and how beneficial has this extra bit of time to prepare for Saturday's rematch with Columbus been for you guys?

FRANCISCO CALVO: Yeah, it's always tough to play every three, four days, but it's good. We like to play like that, also, because as a player you want to play games. Now with this long week, we prepared really well the game. We have minus two, day minus two, and tomorrow just set the last details, and we're ready. We're ready to don't give up and don't give any other results in our home.

Q. As a guy who's been around this team for a while and as the captain, how does the challenge that the rest of 2020 presents compare to the challenge that last season presented when you guys were on the outside looking in but very much right within touching distance of the playoffs?

FRANCISCO CALVO: I mean, we know in the position that we are right now, nobody likes to see Chicago over there in the last position. But we are close. I mean, this year we have at least a chance to get at the No. 10, but we want to go more over that, but we have more games ahead. We have more games. I said since the beginning and since my first interview, I know Chicago Fire is going to be in playoffs this year, I'm pretty sure, and I'm positive that we're going to be there, even though we are last right now.

I don't know, I don't want to talk about that because I just want to say positive things about this team because we are a great group of guys that work every day. We have a really a good coaching staff who work every day honestly, and we just want to do our best every time we go out on the field.

THE MODERATOR: Francisco, appreciate your time.

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