Chicago Fire Media Conference

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Johan Kappelhof

Press Conference

Sporting KC 1, Chicago Fire 0

Q. Johan, just how are you feeling after getting back the last couple games, and what have the last few months been like for you since you last played in March?

JOHAN KAPPELHOF: Yeah, it's good to be back. It was a tough time for me personally. It was I think the toughest time in my career. I'm not used to have injuries, so it was tough. Tough to deal with. But I'm happy to be back and help the team wherever I can.

Q. How close do you think you are to being back to 100 percent?

JOHAN KAPPELHOF: Pretty close. Pretty close. The previous game was the first step in being back with the team. This is the next step for me, 20 minutes. So we're increasing week by week. So I think I'm very close to 100 percent.

Q. I heard you say the other day during your injury recovery process, you actually reinjured it. How close were you to coming back before you reinjured it, and what were you thinking at that point?

JOHAN KAPPELHOF: I actually re-injured it two or three times. I was back maybe for a week in team training, and then it happened again. So it was not like I was back for weeks. It just reinjured pretty quick after I got back with the team.

Yeah, it was, as I said, it was a very, very tough time for me to deal with the re-injury. I'm glad I'm fully healthy now and glad I can help the team.

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