Chicago Fire Media Conference

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Robert Beric

Press Conference

Chicago Fire 1, New York Red Bulls 0

Q. How much did you need the goal personally and how much did this team just need to finally get a win on the road?

ROBERT BERIC: I think I need a goal, the same, the same like we need a win away. We are really happy and it's a relief, finally, for me and the team. We succeeded, me as a scorer and finally to win away, and yeah, let's work hard and let's try to keep this momentum going.

Q. Obviously a massive win for you guys, maybe more than just a regular three points tonight. But now that you have this monkey off your back so to speak, are you now looking forward to making a playoff push, given that you guys are now just a handful of points out of the playoff spots?

ROBERT BERIC: I mean, let's just try to keep going from game-to-game. It's difficult to think about playoffs now. I would like to say that we try to fight every game like that, like we fight today, and let's just make points every game, and we will see where we are going to finish the season.

Q. What's been different for you as a striker this year compared to last year? Is it a mental thing and is it maybe something that can spark you forward as a player? I feel like strikers it's oftentimes one goal leads to two, three, four, five on a run.

ROBERT BERIC: I hope so. I try to do my best every game and I try to score every game. That's my job in the end of the day. But yeah, sometimes when you fall in this gap, and you simply cannot score, it also becomes a mental thing. It's not easy but yeah, let's hope with this win and with this goal that we try to keep the momentum like I said before. Yeah, that's it.

Q. How unfortunate is it for you guys that you guys have some momentum but now you don't play again and you have two weeks off? How do you keep the momentum and good feelings going during the international break?

ROBERT BERIC: I mean, we have now two weeks to good trainings and to prepare, and to prepare ourselves to enjoy, most of all, to enjoy football. Yeah, we just have to keep this energy up on trainings. We have to prepare hard and work for the next game, and yeah, keep going.

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