Chicago Fire Media Conference

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Luka Stojanovic

Press Conference

Sporting KC 2, Chicago Fire 0

Q. Obviously a tough start to the game. What happened so early in the game that you went down 2-0?

LUKA STOJANOVIC: Yeah, maybe these first ten, 15 minutes of the game, they were much more aggressive than us, and one mistake -- and I think this team is under a lot of pressure and it was difficult to cover a lot of space because they attack us also from the side.

Q. What did Rafa say to you guys at halftime knowing you were down 2-0, saying, here is the next 45 minutes?

LUKA STOJANOVIC: We have experienced guys and we know that we can change the game. I think the second half, we make more chance, we create more chance. We play more direct to the goal and I think we hit two or three times the post and we have great chance one against one.

We just go out, concede a goal and try to score one, because that can be also how they score one. The first one for us can be a game-changer.

Q. And I guess coming off the international break, do you feel that you lost a little bit of momentum coming off the win and then having the break?

LUKA STOJANOVIC: Yeah, that's exactly, also, we have two players on the international team, and I think -- in the last game, I remember in the last months, we were in a lot of games and we don't concede goals. Like I said, the goal was quick and this was the point in the game.

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