Chicago Fire Media Conference

Friday, February 17, 2023

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Chris Brady

Press Conference

Q. Just wondering how you think camp right now is going for you and do you think you've made a strong argument to be between the sticks on March 4th?

CHRIS BRADY: Yeah, I mean for the team, preseason has been great so far. I think you've seen that in the scores and results we've gotten in the games we've played so far and obviously based on this one final test tomorrow, you'll see how we kind of match up to a MLS opponent. But no, I'd say as a team, I'd say we are gelling pretty well and all good things from our end.

And then for myself, I would say, yeah, I mean, as much as I want to push and make my case to be a starter between the sticks, I'm just focused on getting the team into a better spot and starting off the MLS season better than -- better than we did last year.

So I'm not too caught up in the who is starting, who is not right now. I'm just more focused on games that I do play, trying to perform.

Q. You've played in some big games already in your career, the game against New England, some qualifiers in Honduras, but how prepared do you think you are at the beginning of the MLS regular season to be No. 1 when there are higher stakes and the stadiums are full?

CHRIS BRADY: Yeah, so environment, fans, noise, that doesn't affect me preparation-wise. Just making sure I'm technically sound leading up to the game making sure that performances in training are clean and I'm getting all the information I need for the game coming up. And like I said, if I do end up becoming the starter, yeah, I feel pretty prepared to take charge and lead our team to a victory and shutout.

Q. Knowing that you can have an elevated level here on the main MLS club, how does that change the way you've prepared this year in training camp? Is it any different for you or is it the same as maybe it's been in the past?

CHRIS BRADY: I would say it's been the same. Yeah, again, the levels don't really change the way I train, prepare, look at things. I'm here just kind of doing me and trying to play the best I can. So yeah, I wouldn't say it changes what I do a whole lot.

Q. Can you talk about the impact Gaga has had?

CHRIS BRADY: I don't want to say it paved the way because everybody's path is different but him going from an MLS environment, playing MLS games to making it that far so far, to come up together and train for so long and to see him finally make it to that level of play, it's great. It's great knowing that that's possible. And then for me, I'd say inspirational.

Q. What are the things you take away watching Gabriel make his way up?

CHRIS BRADY: For me, the biggest two things are probably focus and work ethic. In trainings, this guy was a beast, man. He never showed up to training at any point that I remember and he wasn't giving it 110 (percent). And then getting close to game time, this guy was dialed in, focused. He made sure he had all the tactics down, had the game plans memorized. These are all things that I'm now trying to do.

Q. How is your training with the goalkeeper coach every day?

CHRIS BRADY: So having a coach like Adin Brown is great. He's very respectful in his profession and Zach is a little bit of a different coach. So switching gears now to Zach as a coach, he's outstanding so far. I mean, every day we worked with him, he pushes us to give the best we can and he's very big on respect and doing things properly.

So I'd say in training, if you know, for whatever reason -- he wants to make sure that we recoup, we do it right. He's just a great guy. He's really easy to talk to, super nice on and off the field. He makes you feel very comfortable here. I've loved every second so far. Looking forward to a full season with him.

Q. How do you deal with this responsibility, this commitment, with the high standard that Slonina left, you have a huge goal, like you said, it's motivating and what do you say to these new generations that they want to be in your spot and that they have that dream to be some day in the MLS?

CHRIS BRADY: Yeah, it's doable. I'd say the biggest thing is just work hard and trust that with hard work and a few things going your way, it's definitely possible to be where I am and where Gaga was. And yeah, I mean, like I said before, he set the tone, basically, for what a young goalkeeper in Chicago needs to do to make it big.

So like I said, everybody's path is different, so you're not going to be seeing the same exact things as you saw from Gaga from me, but yeah, no, I'd say definitely took a few things from him, and from me and him, and other goalkeepers in the Chicagoland area, I would say it's definitely possible. Yeah, anything is.

Q. I want to phrase, this is completely hypothetical. Say you aren't the starter. Do you think it would be better to stay with the Fire senior team and continue training them or do you think it would be better to belong to a USL Championship side or even go back to Fire II? What do you think would be best for your development if you're not the starter?

CHRIS BRADY: Yeah, that's a decision that I've got to leave up to the coaches. I mean, preference-wise, I love Chicago and as much as I can, I want to stay here. But yeah, in the off-chance that I am not the starter, I'd prefer to stay here and, you know, excuse my language, but work my ass off to get that starting spot. But yeah, like I said, that's not really a decision that I can make.

But as much as I can, I'd like to be here integrating with the squad and all that.

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