Chicago Fire Media Conference

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Jonathan Dean

Press Conference

Q. Just wondering, what's the mood of the team heading into this Philly match? You know, they are not off to the best start and they might be rotating players because they have Champions League obligations tonight, actually. But still Philly, a good team generally and one that beat you guys a few weeks ago. So what's the mood around the team and how big of a statement game is this for this team?

JONATHAN DEAN: Yeah, I think, you know, it's a big game obviously. It's the last home game of three that we've had, and picking up three points is crucial I think for us, and to solidify our positioning as Chicago Fire in this league. Like you said, especially, lost at their place, so we are definitely trying to get all three points this week.

Q. This is going to be your first time in an MLS game where you're playing against a team for the second time and things kind of went haywire before you came on and then after and I'm curious how the team, and you are going to approach a team in Philadelphia that I think we all can imagine are going to try to drag this game into the mud a little bit.

JONATHAN DEAN: Yeah, obviously the last time we played them, playing a man down tactically changes things as we were trying to come out with at least a point.

This time around, we are at home so we are going to try to be on the forefront, you know, and get after them as much as possible. You know, hopefully take advantage like we've done the last few games and score goals, and then obviously you know, try not to concede and just be strong defensively as well.

Q. Which is the player that's most impressed you? I know you play in the back but maybe you have one of the teammates that gets along with you a lot.

JONATHAN DEAN: I think that's impressed me a most is probably Rafa. You know, just his calming presence along the back line. You know, just the accountability that he has and demands from everybody. But also, you know, having it himself and doing it and leading by example. Things he's able to do very impressive.

Attacking-wise, Guti, obviously, for his age, he's someone that's an electric player that has shown a lot since I've been here that I really like how he's played.

Q. I know we've talked about this a little bit but you've now been in the League for a couple months. You've had this experience in MLS. Are you comfortable, are you allowing yourself to be comfortable in the position you're in and how does that affect your day-to-day?

JONATHAN DEAN: Yeah, "comfortable," it's a tough word because especially with what we do, you never want to be too comfortable. Especially trying to get the team, us, make the playoffs and push into the postseason, you can never get too comfortable because then complacency will start to kick in.

So I think there's a fine line between being comfortable but at the same time, also, you know, trying to improve day-to-day, getting better, doing the little things that are ultimately going to help us and achieve our goal.

Q. You spoke about the mood of the team. How have you seen that grow in the team since the last time you played Philadelphia, and you made your debut in that game, and although it didn't go the way the Fire wanted, we have seen a turnaround in the last few games. So how have you seen the team grow since the last time you played Philadelphia?

JONATHAN DEAN: I think definitely since the last time we played them, we've grown a lot. We've had some pains. You know, losing that game late, losing -- or tying Cincinnati, giving up two late goals; going to Miami, and then giving up late goals, but eventually Kei scoring there for us.

So we have gone through adversity as a team early on, but I think we have shown, you know, the resiliency, the strength that we have together, like Kei the last game.

At the same time, I think we are in a good head space, you know, especially someone like him coming into the team has really helped us, the locker room, just grow, because we have a young team, as well. So having him, he's definitely come in and helped us bring the energy levels up. So that's always a plus.

Q. And you've also proven to be kind of a secret weapon with your versatility on the pitch. What is your mindset going into every training session before every game?

JONATHAN DEAN: The mindset is I just want to give the best in everything I do. Ultimately just want to be the best teammate possible but also bring quality on to the field so where the level doesn't drop if I'm asked to come into the game.

So that's kind of been the mindset of that is making sure the level doesn't drop and then if anything, hopefully raise it.

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