Charlotte 4, Chicago 3
Q. You score the goal and seemed like there was understandable frustration. Can you talk about what you think led to your side being down the way it was at that point?
KELLYN ACOSTA: Yeah, I mean, I think it's been just kind of the story of the season, a lapse in concentration in moments against a good team. They can be clinical and finish their chances. I thought you know overall, I thought when you go down some goals, it's hard to climb back out. So you know, obviously we're a bit frustrated with our receives because we expect better from ourselves and at the end of the day it just wasn't good enough.
Q. What do you think personally about the way this season has gone and what you're looking for to change in the next match, and then looking forward from that.
KELLYN ACOSTA: Yeah, obviously coming in, I mean, yeah, it's been a disappointing season. I think in the last few years of my career, you know, Colorado, we won the west and with L.A., I was in the last two finals.
So coming in here and being in the position that we're in, obviously it's a tough pill to swallow. From our standpoint, I think it's got to be better from all aspects, on the field and off the field, I think having some changes in the future I think that will be positive for the future and positive for the organization.
Looking to have a positive showing in this last game against Nashville and going into the off-season and seeing where everything is at and moving forward into next year and hopefully have a clean slate.
Q. The announcers were pointing at the scowl you had after the bowls and were commenting on that. Curious, what were you feeling right after a goal? It was a pretty serious expression by you. Curious what your emotions were at that point after that goal because it was a bit of a commentary thing on the broadcast.
KELLYN ACOSTA: Yeah, I don't remember what my face was like. But just obvious frustration, it's hard not to wear it on your face with how the game has been and how the season has been as a whole. We dug ourselves a big hole tonight being down some goals, and obviously I'm happy with the goal personally and collectively, I think I want better for the team and I want to win.
Personal stats are always nice and it's a good Pat on the back but at the end of the day we play to win and we play to compete and today just was another one of those games where it just wasn't good enough, and so for me, it's been a bit of just built-in frustration, and you know, it's just coming out now.
So it's probably just what you saw on the screen.
Q. Was that your first competitive match against Tim Ream?
Q. And if, so how was that?
KELLYN ACOSTA: Played against him at Red Bull.
Q. Would have been before he signed a pro contract.
KELLYN ACOSTA: So yeah, that was my first game against him.
Q. How was that going against a guy you've played everywhere with for a long time?
KELLYN ACOSTA: Yeah, that's the beauty of the sport. You know, your paths cross unexpectedly, and Tim is a great guy, great teammate, and obviously getting to battle against him was pretty cool and he's a guy that I admire from a long time ago, a guy that I watch and a guy that I had the honor to play with on the national team and a guy that I get to compete against.
Happy to see him back in the League and I'm glad that his family is doing well and settling into Charlotte. Yeah, it was cool to just kind of battle against him.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports