Q. How would you begin to describe the racing today, Kyle?
KYLE LARSON: It was wild there at the end. My car was extremely good. Really proud of everybody on our Hendrickcars.com team. We had the best car for sure throughout the second and third stage, and then just we had the caution there with like 10 to go or something and then we had to come down, put tires on, and some guys gambled and stayed out, and that kind of just got us in the mess a little bit. Was able to find my way to the front row and then just got shoved around and put in the grass. Kind of ended my shot to win there.
But able to salvage a third, so happy about that, and a good points day.
Q. How different was the track once they pulled those curbs out of 5 and 6?
KYLE LARSON: I don't know, we didn't really get enough time. We were kind of all battling there, and the track was really dirty at that point, too.
Yeah, the curbs, I feel like we need the curb there, but I don't know if they can just make it out of concrete or something just because that leading edge of the lip seems to pull up and destroy race cars. I'm sure they'll figure it out for next time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports