NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Road TV quotes

Sunday, October 17, 2021

An Interview with:

Christopher Bell

CHRISTOPHER BELL: We did a great job making the right calls, put tires on there at the end that really helped us. Kept gaining on this Rheem Camry every pit stop, and I felt like we were pretty strong at the beginning of the race and then I felt like we lost the handle there middle stages and fell back and lost some track position. Fortunate to come home third for sure and really happy for this 20 group. I think we've got some strong races coming up.

Q. Adam Stevens told me of any of the remaining races this was kind of the question mark, so how much confidence will you bring with you next week to Kansas?

CHRISTOPHER BELL: Yeah, I mean, Kansas was a great showing for us in the spring. We didn't finish well but we ran well and it's one of my favorite race tracks. The schedule is full of good race tracks for us to close out the year, and I expect us to run good at all of them.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113774-1-1002 2021-10-18 00:05:00 GMT

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