NASCAR Press Conference

Press Conference

Saturday, November 6, 2021

An Interview with:

Daniel Hemric

Q. He climbs out not only as a winner in the Xfinity Series, but Daniel Hemric, you are the champion. Congratulations.

DANIEL HEMRIC: Lost my breath. Unbelievable. These guys right here, they asked me all year, How bad you want it? I gave one away here in the spring. Felt like I had to give one up here last week. We were not going to be denied.

Thank you, Dave Rogers, Bill and Cindy Gallaher, everyone at Poppy Bank, Lou Gallaher, JR, I'm talking to you. Man, they took a chance on me. 2015, some form or fashion. Oh, they stuck with me through times they probably shouldn't have, to be honest with you.

How about those race fans? That backflip good enough for you? I've been waiting a long damn time to do that. Thank you Joe Gibbs, everyone at TRD, Toyota, Bell helmets. Everyone here that makes this program what it is.

I know I've given up a lot. People have doubted me. I'll do it all over again for a night like this.

Q. Take us through the last lap. You knew it was possible.

DANIEL HEMRIC: I'm blacked out. Blacked out. Just knew I had to be the first one to the line. I thought I let him get too much of a run off of four. Drove into one, knew I was close not to completely use them up, but we work our asses off for an opportunity like this. Excuse my language. This is what it's all about, winning at the second highest level in all of motorsports. What an honor.

Unbelievable. I'd do it all over again. I'll take all the heartbreaks again to live this right here.

Q. You said in the car you'll never have to answer that again because you are a winner.

DANIEL HEMRIC: Absolutely. That's the greatest feeling in the world.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114470-1-1222 2021-11-07 03:22:00 GMT

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