NASCAR Media Conference

Frontstretch Quotes

Sunday, February 27, 2022

An Interview with:

Daniel Suárez

Q. Daniel Suárez gave it a valiant effort, was leading with three laps to go. What are the emotions knowing how close you came but coming up just a bit short?

DANIEL SUÁREZ: We're going to win a few races very soon here. I just can't thank everyone enough in my team. We had a fast car, but we went through a lot of adversity. We had a few issues. We hit the wall once. We had an issue with a diffuser. My pit crew, those guys are legends; it's unbelievable. It's the best pit crew I've ever had, and it's a lot of fun to race like that. Freeway Insurance, Chevrolet, everyone that helps Trackhouse out, to be able to be here and perform this way. I'm happy and I'm horror at the same time. I can tell you that I'm going to work very, very hard to go to Victory Lane very, very soon here.

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117243-2-1002 2022-02-28 00:46:00 GMT

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