NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane

Sunday, April 17, 2022

An Interview with:

Tyler Reddick

Chase Briscoe

CHASE BRISCOE: I was going to spin out I think either way. I was like, Please don't hit with the right rear. Please don't hit with the right rear. I saw it.

I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know.

TYLER REDDICK: (Indiscernible) run me down.

CHASE BRISCOE: I kept trying. I was trying so hard. I couldn't run any harder.

TYLER REDDICK: It's all good.

CHASE BRISCOE: I am sorry. I wish you would have won.

TYLER REDDICK: I needed to drive away. I let you get close.

CHASE BRISCOE: That's all right. I just wanted to apologize.

TYLER REDDICK: It's all good. Next time.

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