NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane

Sunday, April 24, 2022

An Interview with:

Kyle Larson

Q. Kyle Larson, led 32 laps today. When you got out of the car, you said, I made a mistake. What would you have done differently?

KYLE LARSON: I feel like I did a pretty near perfect job for me at a superspeedway until the last lap there.

Yeah, I should have, like, I think just kind of faked going high, then went back low. I had that run. Ross helped me with that run. It kind of baited me into going to the outside. Just a little inexperience probably there.

But really proud of my team. We did a great job executing all race long. The car was great. I felt like we could push people great. I felt like we could receive pushes well. Yeah, like I said, really proud of them.

Honestly, the first time I've had a legit shot at winning a plate race in the Cup Series. Happy about that. When you're close, I was in the exact position I wanted to be in, I didn't want to be leading. I felt like I did a good job with patience and stuff. Made one small mistake there and it cost me the win.

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