Q. Chase Elliott gets it done today. I talked to Alan Gustafson this morning and he said, We weren't very good yesterday. What did you two together do to be so dominant?
CHASE ELLIOTT: Had some good circumstances finally. Really appreciate Alan and our entire team for just sticking with it. We've had some tough races over the last, I don't know, four, five months. Just great to get NAPA back to Victory Lane, great to get Hendrick Motorsports back to Victory Lane.
Just so proud. This one means a lot in a lot of different ways. Just appreciate all the effort. But thanks to all the fans for coming out. You're always awesome. Hope to see this big crowd here next year. Just a huge thanks to everybody involved. It's been a fun day and we're certainly going to enjoy.
Like I told them after the race, those guys, they've been deserving of one for a while. Glad we could get across the line first. We'll enjoy it for a few days and go to work next week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports