Q. Third on the pylon to finish. What a great day. What kind of energy does this inject into you and the team?
BUBBA WALLACE: Yeah, I'm just proud of the team, proud of myself, proud of everybody at the shop. They brought a -- I'm going to give them a "decent" DraftKings Toyota Camry TRD. It didn't handle that great but it had speed, so we knew that. Just the mental preparation, had to set yourself up for a long day, and we did.
We had no idea what we were running there at the end. I knew it was inside the top 5. But just tire management there at the end and we were able to capitalize. Just proud of everybody. Happy. It's been hell for me the last month, so good to come out with a top 5.
Q. There were a lot of unknowns coming into the race today. Did it play out as you expected or were there big surprises?
BUBBA WALLACE: This sport humbles you, so there's really no surprises. You've got to keep the task at hand and be mindful of your surroundings and just do your job. As long as you do that, you never know if you're going to end up with a top 3 or 20th or whatever it may be. You just stick true to your path.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports