Q. Christopher Bell, you told me going into the day, you don't like superspeedway racing. You never even made it to the end of one of these Daytona 500s. You made it to the end but didn't quite get what you wanted.
CHRISTOPHER BELL: Yeah, if you would have told me pre-race I was going to run third, I would have jumped up and down and been smiling ear to ear, which I am very happy and very, very thankful that I could get this Rheem and DeWalt Camry a good solid finish.
But man, just so close to a crown jewel. I feel like if it would have stayed green I would have been on offense, and obviously who knows. But very proud and thankful to be here and Joe Gibbs Racing, and happy for Ricky. That's really cool. Very, very happy for Ricky.
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