Q. Kyle Busch brings it home second today. Got that track position there. Three overtime restarts, what did you need to hold off Tyler?
KYLE BUSCH: I don't know if we could have. Even if we were on equal tires, when we tested here, they were lights out. Had us beat on the frontside of the runs. We needed longer runs. Even today we didn't have great long-run speed. We had great middle-run speed.
Overall, for as much effort and everything that we've put into coming here and focusing on this place, all the testing and everything we've been able to do during the off-season, come out here with a really good finish.
Tyler obviously is a really good road racer. He proved it driving this car here last year. I was able to get in it and run right back to him. I've been trying to emulate the things he did in order to make this car fast last year, but not quite all the way there.
They had a whale of a car. Want to thank NetSpend for being on our car, Austin, hometown partner in Austin, Texas. Excited to get them a runner-up finish.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports