Q. Ross, your best of the year, led 98 laps. Were you surprised that the two-tire call held you off with four?
ROSS CHASTAIN: I think whoever got in the lead was going to have a shot at it. I first have to say I'm sorry to Brennan at everybody at Rick Ware's team. I owe a big apology and a bit more. When I get home from Skip Barber tomorrow, I'll head over there and talk to those guys and make some of that right.
Gosh, so close, again, for our Jockey Chevy, everybody at Trackhouse, Advent Health, Moose Fraternity, Worldwide Express. It's surreal to continue to do that and race against my heroes. I guess I told them a few too many of my secrets last year after we went fishing.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports