Q. We saw the tempers afterwards there between you and Noah Gragson. What took place in your eyes?
ROSS CHASTAIN: I got tight off of 4 for sure. Noah and I have a very similar attitude on the racetrack, and we train together, we prepare together, we know each other's -- every little bit about each other.
Yeah, definitely crowded him up off of 4, and he took a swipe at us in 3, and then he came down and grabbed a hold of me, and a very big man once told me we have a no-push policy here at Trackhouse.
Hats off to everybody at Advent Health for coming here to the Advent Health 400 and fight for a top 5. There was times in the race where we did not have the grip and the balance in the car to do that.
A couple good restarts at the end, and perfect matched set of tires by Phil Surgen to see a heck of a fight from this group.
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