Q. Chris Buescher comes home in the third position, your best ever Darlington finish. I know you said it feels like it. Could you have done anything differently to gain more position on Larson and Reddick?
CHRIS BUESCHER: We were trying. It was just we were all running the same groove trying to make speed and obviously playing other games there, too, and Byron was faster at the end and had to defend that a little bit.
I don't know, we tried to start on the front row, what, three times next to Larson, so we had our chance and got close when Brad pushed us one of those restarts, and just the outside had the momentum for sure, and they were really good.
But proud of everybody. This buildsubmarines.com Ford Mustang, this is the first time we've had Build Subs on board the 17 car, so proud to have a good run with them. A bunch of them here with us tonight. It's awesome. Good for Darlington, good for the Southern 500. I'm proud of that.
But also hurts just a little bit to be that close.
Q. As you look at what this means for you and the team over the course of the playoffs, you come in and get your best finish ever at a racetrack. What did you learn about yourself and this team as you approach the next nine races?
CHRIS BUESCHER: We talked about it a lot this week. We know what we're doing. We've been doing it and it's been working and it's been resulting in wins.
It's not that we need to change up what we're after. It's just status quo right now. The things we're doing are getting us opportunities to win races, and we're capitalizing on the best days and capitalizing on great days like here tonight.
It's a long race. I know it's grueling for drivers, but for crews and the fans, proud of everybody for sticking it out with us. Our pit crew really stepped up there in the end and got us several spots and put us up front here in clean enough air, so great job by everybody, and off to Kansas.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports