NASCAR Media Conference

Frontstretch Quotes

Saturday, September 16, 2023

An Interview with:

Denny Hamlin

Q. Denny, I think you're starting to like this with the fans, banter going back and forth. Do you?

DENNY HAMLIN: Man, everybody likes a winner, right? Can't thank this whole FedEx team enough. They've really kicked ass this whole first round. Really amazing how our team has been. So happy about the way we're running. Can't wait to keep going.

Q. You've made many Championship 4 runs. Is something different with the 11 team this year?

DENNY HAMLIN: It's our year. I just feel like we've got it all put together. We've got the speed every single type of racetrack. Nothing to stop us at this point.

Q. Are these fans motivation for you? A lot of boos out there.

DENNY HAMLIN: Hey, I beat your favorite driver.

Q. Who would that be?

DENNY HAMLIN: All of 'em (smiling).

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