Q. Kyle, I know it's got to sting to not get that win, but a great night for you.
KYLE BUSCH: It definitely does sting. I felt like the first half we were better. Had a better car. We were better than the 11. But some of the adjustments we made weren't as good, some of the adjustments they made were better.
All in all, just glad to have a good night. Glad to come out here in one piece, even with all the bumping and banging and everything else that happens.
Thanks to Morgan & Morgan for being with us here today. It was fun to have them on board. I know everybody was chuckling on our paint scheme, so good times with those guys, and of course thanks to Lucas Oil, Zone, Cheddar's, everybody, all the guys back at the shop, ECR engines. We've got a little bit of work on our short track program. Clash seems okay, but we'll try to figure out the rest of the year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports