NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Jimmie Johnson

Q. Jimmie Johnson, nervous coming in, never been in this situation before. It almost looked like you were out of it, then you weren't. Can you put this race into perspective for us?

JIMMIE JOHNSON: I can't. I've never been in a position like this before. I have such a greater appreciation for everyone that's tried to race their way in. Although there's only six more cars, I know at one time there were many more.

Stressful. Very thankful we got this Carvana Toyota in the race. I knew the first half of the race was going too easy. I knew there would be a challenge thrown at us. We got it just in time.

Hats off to J. J. Yeley. Put up a fight. Heck of a car. We were in the right place when the checkered fell.

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