NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Kaz Grala

Q. Kaz, you come here tonight, looks like you're going to be okay, you lose the draft, get the draft back. Somehow you raced your way into the Daytona 500. How are those nerves right now?

KAZ GRALA: Man, I'm just coming down from it. That was so much more stressful than it needed to be for us. For a little while we looked to be in good shape. Yeah, we had some trouble there. Pit road we weren't able to stay with the draft.

Just really proud of everybody at Front Row Motorsports. They worked so hard the last 24 hours to get the car ready to race today. Some trouble yesterday. Really cool to be able to get it in the show for them. Real big opportunity for me. Excited to be here on Sunday again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141030-1-1222 2024-02-16 02:59:00 GMT

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