Q. Corey, they say that Daytona is being at the right place when it matters. You had a quiet night, made it up to the front. How did you make that happen?
COREY HEIM: I guess just not wrecking for the most part. First of all, I hope everyone is okay. That was crazy to see in my mirror. It looked bad.
Second of all, what an S-h-i-t show. That was crazy. I never avoided so many wrecks in my life. I can't believe I have a clean truck. I'm not going to complain about it. It's truck racing; it happens. Super proud of TRICON Garage and Toyota Racing.
Got a little bit of work to do for Talladega with the speed of this thing, but I thought the best strategy for me was to lay low and hopefully be there at the end, and we were, and looks like we came up one short.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports