NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Friday, February 16, 2024

Rajah Caruth

Q. Rajah, there was many ways I was going to go in this conversation with you, but I saw you hand the phone back that you were just on, and the name said Rick Hendrick. How did that conversation go?

RAJAH CARUTH: It's all because of him being in this spot, so I'm really thankful for Mr. H and the Hendrick Automotive Group along with Spire Motorsports and Chevy because it's the only reason I got a ride this year.

I feel pretty bad about the backstretch there. Corey was doing a great job pushing, and you hate to see trucks get torn up like that. Sucks to be that close, but definitely happy for Nick. He's been deserving for a long time, and great for the company.

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141053-1-1041 2024-02-17 03:36:00 GMT

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