NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Monday, August 19, 2024

Brad Keselowski

Q. Brad, I know how badly you want this one. What happened, a check-up almost?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Yeah, we just had a couple issues today with the engine shutting off. It was frustrating. Just part of our day. We were probably that fourth or fifth place car. The way the race played out, the 45 got by us. He was really fast. Kind of deserved to win the race. We were in position, but couldn't make anything count.

Really proud of our effort. Really good execution today. A little more speed than we've had. Just need one more step to be able to win these races.

Q. To be that close, what is the emotion not being able to get it done?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Yeah, I mean, we're just waiting for something good to happen for us. We were in position, but just hasn't happened yet.

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