NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chase Elliott

Q. Chase Elliott, you punch your ticket to the next round of the playoffs. This is the best round you've had since you won at Texas in the spring. Is this the kind of reset that you needed to charge up the next round in Kansas?

CHASE ELLIOTT: Yeah, really proud of our effort tonight with our LLumar Chevy team. I thought it was a really solid night overall. Had really nice pace and really thought our car drove really well. I don't think I could have asked much more out of the car.

I think Kyle did a really good job getting through traffic, and that was the difference. I kind of got hung up and he was able to slice through there, so credit to him and his team. They did a great job. Nice to get a Hendrick one-two and nice to be moving on. Nice to be in the mix. It's always more fun when it matters and you're up front.

Q. Did the track change about like you expected it to tonight with the addition of the PJ1 on the bottom?

CHASE ELLIOTT: It was just like the race here last year. But I thought the tire felt better to me. I know it was a little different, obviously wasn't anything like the spring, but I thought it gave some options being able to move around.

They were certainly probably not worth giving up a bunch of track position for, but I do think that had you had a caution there at the end, you would have had a pretty tough decision because they were worth a little pace. But like I said, great night, nice to just have a really solid run and be up there in the mix, and really excited to get to Kansas.

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