NASCAR Media Conference

Pit Lane Interview

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Alex Bowman

Q. Alex Bowman, a top 10 at Bristol, but you guys advanced. Did it change the race for you in any way when that happened?

ALEX BOWMAN: No, honestly the racetrack just rubbered up and we progressively got worse as more rubber laid down I felt like. Yeah, proud of this No. 48 Ally Camaro team. We did what we needed the whole first round of the playoffs, but also we want to be better and continue that through the next round.

Missed it a little today when it rubbered up, but other than that really solid points day for us, and we'll keep at it.

Q. Coming into the playoffs there was a lot of rumors swirling around you and this 48 team, but what kind of statement does this make for you and the 48 team?

ALEX BOWMAN: They'll keep talking. I'm not worried about it.

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