Q. Is there an NHL player that you particularly idolize or someone you model your game after?
MARCO KASPER: Not really. I've watched a couple of players over the years, but not anybody special.
Q. How tough was it to decide to leave Austria and go to Sweden?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, in the beginning for sure it was tough, but like you said, coming to such a good organization, but playing there, going to school there, I think I've done a good job of getting there, and it's fun.
Q. How much did it help your development just being able to test yourself against when you were up in the men's league?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, I think like you said before, you have to come every day like ready to play, and I think playing against better competition, you have to be in a higher level, and I think that helps all the time.
Q. What is your relationship with Marco Rossi or Vincent LoVerde?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, I've played with them, together with them. I've played with them in the national team, both linemates, great guys, both of them. They just live 20 minutes away from each other, so they know each other, too.
Q. What does this mean to you, a night like tonight, your journey up until this point? Can you put it into words?
MARCO KASPER: Like you said, it's hard to put into words. It's just the hard work I've put in with the help of my parents, with the help of my past clubs, Klagenfurt and Rogle, it's just a special night and just trying to enjoy it.
Q. You talked about this a little bit earlier, but all the years of experience in the SHL, do you think that's going to translate well to the American-sized ice?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, I hope so, and I think so, too. I think my competitiveness can translate good to American ice and to American game, so I'm looking forward to it.
Q. What about your experience with Team Austria? Can you just talk about that experience and how it's prepared you for this summer and what you need to do?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, it's been really fun playing in the world championships with Team Austria. I'm always proud to represent my country, so it's been a great opportunity to play there and play against some of the great players of the world.
Q. Are you planning to play in the World Juniors this summer?
MARCO KASPER: I think that will be decided later on.
Q. Who do you have here tonight?
MARCO KASPER: My mom and my dad, who I'm really thankful for, and then also my sisters, they are at home because they have training camp and school, and then also my agent, Chris and Max from Rogle. I'm really thankful for those guys being here.
Q. Did you have an idea at the combine how your meeting went with the Wings?
MARCO KASPER: I think I had a good meeting with them but I didn't think about that it's going to be Detroit or I didn't know who it's going to be. I think it's really hard to know who team it's going to be, so I'm just really honored to be part of the Red Wings organization now.
Q. Steve made some pretty amazing picks in the first round. How does it feel that he thought you were the best option to continue that?
MARCO KASPER: Yeah, like you said, I'm really honored and thankful to get the opportunity and to be picked. I'm going to do my best to get to the NHL as fast as possible and help the Red Wings win.
Q. What did you play with playing against Simon Edvinsson?
MARCO KASPER: He was a really good player. It's tough playing against him. Good that he's the same organization now.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports