ISPS HANDA Women's Scottish Open

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Charley Hull

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Pleased to welcome Charley Hull to Dundonald Links this week. Can you just talk about what it's like to be back in Scotland and back in the Dundonald this week?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's really good to be back in the U.K. I always like being at home. I can drive to events and stuff and you just feel a bit more content because youhave your home comforts, and I'm really looking forward to it.

THE MODERATOR: Georgia said you're staying in a lodge this week. How is that staying on-site and with Georgia?

CHARLEY HULL: It's great. It's easy. You just literally rock up to the golf course not too early before. Yeah, it's just cool. Kind of sharing with Georgia.

THE MODERATOR: Do you guys do a lot of nice things in the evenings?

CHARLEY HULL: I haven't really seen her much this week because she obviously got in yesterday, and I've been up in Turnberry. But I am going to go and get my nails done this afternoon because I need a mani and pedi.

THE MODERATOR: You played the Pro-Am today. What's the course conditions looking like?

CHARLEY HULL: It's looking really nice. It's playing really good. Obviously kind of like a newer links golf course, but it's playing quite soft out there with the rain we've had over the last few days.

I think tomorrow the weather is going to be a bit iffy, but we have blue skies today.

THE MODERATOR: Before open up to questions, playing in the Olympics last week, how was that, your experience there, and also coming into this two-week stretch?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it was a really good golf course. It was a lot of fun. Nice to see how many crowds there was around there and stuff, and yeah, it was a good week.

Q. Still in the Olympic spirit with the joggies on?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I really like these rain pants because they are just very comfortable, yeah.

Q. You mentioned the weather forecast tomorrow, and I said to Georgia, what's her mindset. When you see a bad weather forecast, what do you think?

CHARLEY HULL: I look forward to it. It's a bit of a challenge. I like a challenge. Anything that's a challenge, I enjoy challenges. So I just go out there and just have some fun in the rain.

Q. This week is obviously big, but next week given what you did in the Women's Open last year, how sort of difficult is it to not look too far ahead this week?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, a hundred per cent. I felt like last year, because it won't on a links golf course, it suited me very well.

But links is not the best part of my game. I do enjoy the American style of golf courses, hitting it long, hitting it high and you know. While links, you don't have to be the best ball-striker, you just have got to get it down the fairway and keep under the wind. But at the same time, I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Q. Looking ahead to next week, obviously a big one, how would you rank that, as far as goals?

CHARLEY HULL: A hundred per cent, I would say the U.S. Open and the women's AIG, the British Open is the two top events for me.

Q. Why would that be?

CHARLEY HULL: Obviously on home soil, a hundred per cent, yeah. It's one we always dream of; that and the U.S. Open are always the ones you dream of winning as a little girl.

Q. You touched on playing Turnberry. I wonder your reaction to that?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I thought it was a great golf course. Great fun. I love being out on the golf course, and the views on that golf course is brilliant. It was so much fun. I played it on Monday.

Q. In terms of not being on The Open rota, is that something you'd like to see changed?

CHARLEY HULL: A hundred per cent. I think it's a shame. It is a really top track.

Q. And on the women's schedule as well?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, a hundred per cent. Like honestly, it's one of the best golf courses in the world. It would be a shame to not be on there.

Q. Was that just for some practise?

CHARLEY HULL: Just literally go up there, have a bit of holiday for a day, playing some golf. Having a bit of fun, yeah.

Q. How are you feeling physically?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, good. Back's a little bit sore this morning, and my shoulder is actually a bit tight. So I've got some physio in a minute. That's just still from where I fell over a few weeks ago. But it comes and goes.

But yeah, I've got it strapped up now. But I'll be sound.

Q. Last week after the first round, you were playing pretty well.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I was eight-under for my last three rounds and I played really, really solid. Just that first round under your belt, giving it away. That's golf, isn't it. But yeah, I played as good as I played all year the last three rounds.

Q. And obviously we've got a new sponsor this week, ISPS. How nice is it to see these companies promote women's golf?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I have them here on my chest. It's brilliant. They do so much for women's golf. It's brilliant. It's just nice to like be in Great Britain and having your sponsor sponsoring the event. I think it's great for what they are going in women's golf.

Q. Is it nice to see the event grow from year-to-year?

CHARLEY HULL: A hundred per cent. Yeah, when I first come to actually this golf course back in 2014 or 2015, there was just a shed and clubhouse, and now they have transformed whole place. It's brilliant.

Q. You say that you prefer the American style of golf.


Q. When you were younger, with links golf, was it something --

CHARLEY HULL: Not really. I didn't play much links golf when I was growing up. I did it at the British Amateur and stuff, but apart from that, I just love parkland.

Q. When you were here in 2014 --

CHARLEY HULL: If I finished? Here? No, no, I was on tour. That was my second year on tour. So it would have been The Scottish Open. But it was back when -- it was 2015. It was like a Pro-Am format, I think it was, or something like that.

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147352-1-1003 2024-08-14 12:33:00 GMT

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