Portland Classic

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Megan Khang

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome Megan, to the media center. Just a couple days from your first win on the LPGA Tour. Has it soaked in yet? How are you feeling differently, if at all, since your big win in Canada?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, definitely a little tired. I finally got back to everyone. I felt so bad not getting back to everyone, so I finally like responded to everyone this morning waiting for the pro-am.

But it's sinking in. It's pretty cool to have the support that I have at home and on tour. It's nice getting that off the Bucket List.

Q. What are some moments that stick out for you now a few days removed, after the win or during?

MEGAN KHANG: Probably just getting -- I came to this week a little late and I'm sharing the house with Nelly this week, and she was showing me my room and totally caught me off guard. She had balloons done for my room and my boyfriend had sent flowers.

I had no idea that was going to happen. I think I like cried for the first time. I was like, wow, this is crazy, and it really hit.

Q. I know you have a lot of support to out here from the players. You're very well-loved out here. Have you really been feeling that love and what has everybody been saying to you?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it's been a lot of fun. Like I do get along with quite a few girls out here, and it was pretty crazy to see that many people waiting on 18. Just pretty cool to see how many friendships you make out here.

It's pretty cool seeing some girls out here who I may not talk to as much, and seeing them in passing and them saying, congratulations. Like it's a pretty great feeling.

Q. Do you feel any different at all, yourself just walking around, now that you're a winner?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, no. I think my friends and family keep me pretty grounded. It's a huge accomplishment and I'm very proud of it. Right now it's a new week so have to unfortunately dull it down a little bit and do a proper celebration when I get back home next week.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it's fine. Obviously like we had high hopes, so couple of the guys stayed at the airbnb with us, couple friends, and they were like, all right, do you want to go out? No, I'm going to go see Drake tomorrow so I'm going to save all my energy for tomorrow.

And then Allisen and I had originally planned to go to Drake no matter what. We had a really nice dinner at steakhouse and offensively the concert got canceled. It was pretty cool. We ended up having dinner at the same restaurant as Travis Scott. We saw him walk by a couple times so it was pretty cool.

And I mean, at the end of the day things happen for a reason. You know, who knows. I'm sure there is a Drake concert in our future.

Q. (Regarding first win.) Do you feel like a weight was taken off your shoulders?

MEGAN KHANG: Definitely. I mean, I've heard everyone say like the first win is the hardest, and it is so true. Like there were times where I've had really good finishes and I've come really close and it's always kind of like, oh, when am I going to win, finally push through.

The fact that it happened last week for me, may have taken eight years, but it's something that I can say like I'm an LPGA Tour winner and no one can take it from me. Like I said, hopefully we don't stop at one.

Q. Obviously been a whirlwind. You've been able to reflect a little bit with some friends and family. As you look to the Portland Classic, what do you hope to take away, especially in your game and your play as we get to Columbia Edgewater?

MEGAN KHANG: Definitely the game is there. Ball striking is there. Last week the fairways were tight and I was able to keep the ball in the short stuff pretty much the whole week, minus Sunday. That was a little nervy, so I got a little left and right out there.

Definitely being able to keep my composure and keep it together and still come out on top definitely showed that I have the game and I can do it given some circumstances.

And so I think that alone showed that I can persevere. Even though I do get nervous out there it's okay, as long as I kind of rely on Jack, my caddie, and we just kind of are there for one another when we need it.

I think it showed that we can do it as long as we put our minds to it and focus on the moment and not the results.

Q. Obviously you talked a little bit about your win. You have been clinched on the Solheim Cup team for a few weeks now. In general, whole team coming together, what's that like to see that team come together knowing that Spain is just around the corner?

MEGAN KHANG: It's huge. You look at the roster and we have like, what, two major winners, Lilia, two-time major winner, Rose coming out with a bang winning her first event, myself winning one of the most recent ones.

I think we have a lot of good momentum going into this Solheim. And I mean, Europe's team came out a little before us and knew what we were getting ourselves into, but I think we have a very strong team.

I think I said we have like five rookies on our team, but you look at the rookies and I think they've all won, so are they really rookies?

They know what pressure is. I think Rose has shown she's such a good player throughout junior golf, college, and even professional. She's performed very well at majors.

I could say that about everyone.

Nelly is also a major winner.

Lexi, Danielle.

Like we have a bunch of major winners on this team, it's pretty cool that as young as this team is, it still has three veterans in their 20s and it's pretty cool. It's going to be a fun week and I know we're all going to be there for one another.

Q. Three vets in their 20s including yourself. We had Stacy just in here and Stacy talked about having some calls over the next couple days. I know there is one tonight. Just about what it means to you to be a kind of veteran on this team. Like you said, no rookies, but the fact that you have an opportunity to really step up.

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it's huge. I mean, I would like to think that us veterans are all pretty open armed welcoming, and I hope that if they have any questions they are comfortable to come to us. I know I'm a chatterbox so I can talk to almost anyone.

But I think it's going to be pretty cool just being there, being supportive, whether they want to talk about what's going on or don't want to at all. You know, each and every one of us in that room, whether you're a caddie, assistant captain, captain, or a significant other, everyone knows, hey, this is all Team USA. Like no one is going to judge in this room.

We'll all have each other's back and we're here for each other. I think that's something we can all really rely on each other for.

Q. After your win I want to know how Stacy may have congratulated you. Did she say anything to you after your win?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, it was super cool. I wasn't expecting her to be there because I knew she had a big day the next day announcing the captain's picks, so it was pretty cool looking up and seeing Stacy Lewis there, captain of Team USA, and just I kind of -- I think I blacked out a little bit.

I know she was there. I know she was there and she just said congratulations. It was awesome. Means a lot having the captain there. Even Morgan and Angela texted me. I know they were there. I mean, Angela and Morgan are covering the event so it was really cool. Got some advice from them on the weekend, so it's really nice.

Q. Has Stacy talked to you at all, as Megan said, about leadership roles or expectations for you on the team this year?

MEGAN KHANG: Stacy has been kind of just like an open book this year and it's been really refreshing, because obviously when the team was being decided and we didn't know which route she was going to go, she is like, hey, if you guys ever want to know where you stand let me know and I'll be clear with you. I'll shoot it straight with you.

So being a veteran she's kind of like I'm going to need you guys to show these girls the ropes. I know they're very accomplished themselves already, but Solheim is a different beast. And so it's going to be a lot of fun, a lot more media, a lot more coverage, but she's like, I'm going to need you guys to show them how it's done.

Hopefully get some points on the board early when it comes to matches, let them know it's okay to kind of decompress after a match and take as much time as you need.

THE MODERATOR: Amazing. Last question and just about this week. Big win last week for you and Solheim Cup ahead. What's the energy, excitement level like as you come into the Portland Classic?

MEGAN KHANG: It's huge. Funny enough, I've had people message me like, oh, the designer of the Shaughnessy Golf Club is the same designer Columbia Edgewater.

I'm just like, oh, that's a fun fact I didn't know. They're like, why not back to back? You know, I would love that, too, but it's golf. You never know what's going to happen.

Would I love that? Of course. There are so many good players out here and just try to take it one shot at a time.

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