Portland Classic

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Charley Hull

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Charley, a solid day in this rain here. How do you kind of keep up grinding through these conditions?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it was good. Obviously I was 2-over after like four holes, but then I kind of, you know, just kept patient in the rain and made some birdies coming in. Lipped out on the last, which I was a bit pissed off about, but that's life, isn't it?

Q. We're seeing a lot of scorable conditions on your back nine which is the front nine. What is it about these first nine holes?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, uh-huh. I don't know really. It's not really a golf course that used to suit my eye. That's why I've never really played it too much. Only played it twice.

Yeah, it's just pretty simple. The greens are receptive so you can just (indiscernible) them like that and let's you get birdies.

Q. Yeah. I know you haven't been here in quite a few years. I think it was like 2018 or something of that nature.


Q. What was the game plan going into today on a course you haven't played in a bit?

CHARLEY HULL: I'm not really one for a game plan but just go out there and have fun, make birdies, and keep smiling in the rain.

Q. What were some of the memorable birdies, especially on your back nine?

CHARLEY HULL: I can't remember -- I think good birdie on No. 3 because it was driver, 4-iron into that hole because it was quite a long hole.

And then the next hole as well I hit a nice drive, but I hit the driver into the (indiscernible). Hit a nice 8-iron out straight into the bunker, a nice 8-iron out. Yeah, pretty simple round.

Q. What's it about keeping this consistent play you've had over the last couple months? What have you been doing to keep this momentum going?

CHARLEY HULL: Just working on my swing loads. Practicing every day. Keeping patient. Also having some days off as well. Just enjoy playing.

I feel like now -- I think with my ADHD that really helped me when I went home for four weeks and took a month off. That helped me kind of settle everything.

Q. Yeah. We haven't seen you since the AIG Women's Open. Did you put the clubs down at all?

CHARLEY HULL: No. I played so much golf. I think I played about seven rounds when I was home just with my friends because I enjoy it more.

Q. Are you a person that likes the friendly golf?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I love friendly golf with my mates. I played Wentworth. I played (indiscernible). We went and played in Kent with my brother-in-laws. It was just great. I like playing golf. I enjoy it. I enjoy playing golf at home more than I do playing on the tour.

Q. What did you take away from these kind of conditions heading into tomorrow?

CHARLEY HULL: Just getting dry because I'm soaked right now, so it's all right if I go?

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136306-1-1041 2023-08-31 20:01:00 GMT

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