Portland Classic

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Hyo Joon Jang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Hyo Joon Jang after her third round at the Portland Classic. What an incredible round. You had 11 birdies. Were you even keeping track in your head of how many birdies you were making today?

HYO JOON JANG: Honestly I wasn't really tracking my results, but it was going good and I thought it was great, but I wasn't really counting birdies.

I was more focusing on the present.

Q. How was your round overall today? What was maybe going really well for you?

HYO JOON JANG: First I think playing smart was really a key for me. And then staying more calm so I could more see what's going on. And then the putting was definitely helping me to get some chance together.

So I think that was the key point for me today.

Q. Where would you say you were making your birdies? Was it on the putting green? On your approach shot?

HYO JOON JANG: It was kind of everything today.

Like I had a tap-in birdie which is -- my iron shot was good.

I had some make long putt birdie, which putting was also good.

And I made a chip-in birdie, which that also help me.

So everything was working well.

Q. Of all the birdies you made today, which one stands out in your mind as the highlight of the day?

HYO JOON JANG: Maybe last one, because I didn't give up until the end and I try my best, so I want to give credit to myself.

Q. Take us through the last putt on the last hole to make that birdie.

HYO JOON JANG: Yes. It was a little downhill and right to left. It was a little fast than I thought, but it went in, thank God, so, yeah.

Q. Right now you're sitting at the top of the leaderboard. What does this round mean to you overall in your season?

HYO JOON JANG: In my season? Let's say speechless. Still I am going through a lot of things and there is a lot coming, so I won't say it's end, but it's something that going to be meaningful for my stepstone.

Q. I know you certainly have a back injury, but where would you say your game is overall? How would you describe your season, your game?

HYO JOON JANG: I wasn't playing much this year but I'm going to play more, so I'm more excited in the future. So there is nothing much to talk about this season yet.

Q. And your back is feeling better?

HYO JOON JANG: Feeling much better. Unless my back doesn't hurt I will be on track fast so I'll be good.

Q. Last question: You're a rookie this year. What would a win -- I know it's hard to think ahead -- but what would a win mean to you out here coming back from an injury? Can you put that in perspective?

HYO JOON JANG: I think there is a lot of meaning inside, but got to be helping with some luck. Obviously the work, it shows before, like the work I have done. I think that's all combined and just happens so suddenly.

Q. One more. You were playing with Hyo Joo today. Can you take us through what playing with her today meant to you?

HYO JOON JANG: She was very like biggest role model to me when I was young, and was really grateful to play with her. I really enjoyed it.

Q. Did she say anything to you after the round? I know she pulled you aside.

HYO JOON JANG: Yeah, she said it was really good round and she was so nice. She say that was really good round.

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