CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburón Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Being able to close at 4-under today, just take us through that first round, especially getting off to that hot start and then the double bogey there. Just take us through that beginning.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I had good round before the double bogey, but I had double bogey, and then after that it was fine, too.

So I had a lot of birdie chance today, but I had couple miss for the putt, so I will practice after interview. So I had good round today.

Q. Definitely still have to be excited about what you were able to do. That double bogey, did you hit the hazard on that one?


Q. Oh. Take us through the double bogey there.

JIN YOUNG KO: From the tee I hit driver and the ball goes little left over the like sand road something.

So I had layup but it was short. I had duff (phonetic) in the bunker, or was in bunker, but I don't know what was that, like sandy fairway. I don't know what it's -- and I had 30 meters chipping then two-putt, so double.

Q. But you were still able to close with enough birdies to be just three off of Lexi's Thompson's lead. What are you proud of most of in your first round here today?

JIN YOUNG KO: Because I haven't idea I could be playing CME of the year, but I had good round last -- on Monday. I am here, so it was really grateful and I'm looking forward the three round.

Q. How excited were you when you realized that you had played your way into the Tour Championship?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, last year I was think I can play next year for the CME, of course, but we had little tough time. So I was think, can I play? Could I play CME end of the year?

But it was close before the U.S. Open. I had to finish top 3 or Top 4 at the U.S. Open, but I had -- I finish top 2, so it was thank to God.

Q. And you had to get here. What was the travel like for you and how was it to adapting to Naples, Florida?

JIN YOUNG KO: Was tough because my manager didn't book nothing, like airplane, rent car, or hotel. So I was wait maybe two or three hours at the airport. So I arrived at this hotel over 11:00 p.m. on Monday.

So I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. I don't know why. But I'm fine right now.

Q. Since you came back for the Pelican in November, which part of your game do you feel like has been subtly getting better to this point?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, everything, because I played -- I had play maybe some events in Korea, but weather was really cold so I couldn't swing full on and I had every time control.

So the fairways narrow, too. Tough course. So I did practice a lot after Pelican in Dallas, short game, putting or chipping, bunker shot, swing, everything, so now feels good. Really good.

Q. Normally when we come to this event everyone is exhausted. It's been a long year. People seem fresher now. Do you feel fresher this week than normal?

JIN YOUNG KO: Of course, because I had just three event. But I playing here, so it is different as the other players. I think the other players hate me. (Laughter.) My caddie Dave said. It's not my thinking. My caddie said every player and caddies hate us.

So I said, Okay, let's go hiding. (Laughter.) But it's really thank to LPGA Tour and U.S. Open as well.

So I had good choice when I came here.

Q. And you could win the money title in only four events.


Q. Is that something that crossed your mind when you came here?

JIN YOUNG KO: Dave told me, If you win this week you going to be No. 1 in the money rank. So, wow. Really? But I don't have great, so I'm just trying focus on my game on the course, and then my goal is always happiest golfer on the course, so I will try that.

Q. I do know you were thinking about getting a house.


Q. In America.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah. Before the U.S. Open I haven't money because I send to Korea all my monies, so I need get the monies from to the U.S. Open. But I had good round, good finish, so I having money a little bit.

But I need more this week. (Laughter.)

Q. Where would you buy?

JIN YOUNG KO: In Frisco.

Q. Okay. Why Frisco?

JIN YOUNG KO: Because they have flight straight to Korea and Dallas, so easy. And weather is a little cold, but wintertime I will go to Korea. So it's okay.

Q. Have you been to Frisco?


Q. When?

JIN YOUNG KO: I stayed in Frisco at MJ house for maybe for a week, so I had great time with MJ.

So I like this place and then I'm looking for the house in Frisco right now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103493-1-1041 2020-12-17 19:57:00 GMT

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