CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Wei-Ling Hsu

Flash Interview

Q. Coming off a really good week at Pelican Women's Championship, come to CME and you show up and shoot a 6-under 66. Eight birdies on the card. Take us through some of your highlights.

WEI-LING HSU: Overall today I play everything great. Like driver, iron, and putting.

Only thing I will say just the bunker game today, I got into the bunker twice and I always making bogey. So for last two hole I kind of, well, a little sad about it, but overall the whole 18 round I very happy with my score. Yeah.

Q. What have you found the last couple weeks that has allowed you to come out and shoot really low scores on tough golf courses?

WEI-LING HSU: I think it's really like two event left of the season. Usually I come out of the season relaxing, Hey, I just going to have fun in this week and not really setting a goal.

But this year I kind of want to do opposite. Hey, this is the final two. I need to catch up. I need a different goal. It's the final two chance that I can shoot really low, so I started working on it and be prepared for everything.

Q. How do you kind of keep the pedal down? You make one birdie and start to make a bunch. How do you keep pushing to make more birdies?

WEI-LING HSU: Just by not thinking. Like, yeah, especially when I make a turn which is the front nine here and there is a couple hole that I think is kind of pretty hard.

So I just said myself that I just need to make par on these four hole. Other than that, I don't really pay attention to hitting birdie. Just one shot at a time. Just hit good every shot.

Q. Do you enjoy rain and playing in weather like this or no? Some people do.

WEI-LING HSU: I mean, this morning was okay. Like you don't really necessarily need an umbrella. I know it's little bigger right now, but I think it's okay.

This morning without wind it really helpful.

Q. Are you used to playing in wind or no?

WEI-LING HSU: Depend the course. But, I mean, if there is windy here the whole course going to be really tricky. Hard to aim at the target and hard to drive.

Q. How the winner on Sunday gets $1.5 million. Have you thought about what you would do with that money at all?

WEI-LING HSU: I don't know. Never thought about that. But definitely give myself a nice car.

Q. Like what? Lamborghini?

WEI-LING HSU: I really like BMW cars, so I was thinking maybe I will get one.

Q. What's your current car?


Q. Nissan what?




Q. Would you go SUV or sports car?

WEI-LING HSU: I think sports cart.

Q. And keep the SUV?

WEI-LING HSU: Yes. Maybe give it to my dad.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114879-1-1041 2021-11-18 19:35:00 GMT

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