CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Pajaree Anannrukarn

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Pajaree Anannrukarn. Coming off of her first round at the CME Group Tour Championship. I know you and I were talking a little bit about the conditions today. So tell me about your start this morning and what went well.

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: It was definitely a bit chilly this morning, and the first couple of holes it played a little tougher than during the practice round for sure.

Had some long irons into the green, but hit some really good shots. I mean, it turned out great throughout the day. It's been a great day so far, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: I saw you have that string of four birdies there on the front nine. Any memorable birdies that you remember?

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: I think starting after bogeying the third, and then moving on to the fourth hole I hit a good drive down the fairway and an 8-iron. Punched it down and had an 8-footer for birdie. Starting from there it was a good start. I hit another great shot the next hole and another great shot the next, so it's great.

THE MODERATOR: Is that your approach shots that were really working for you today or your putting?

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: Both, actually. Hit quite a lot of good approach shots. Just gave me a lot of good birdie opportunities.

THE MODERATOR: I know you were telling me about your schedule. This is your third week in a row and also coming off of Japan. How are you doing physically, mentally? And how excited are you to be playing this week?

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: I'm very grateful to be here, of course. Final tournament of the year. Definitely a bit -- physically, I mean, a little bit tired, but I think I got some really good rest the past few days, so I think physically okay.

Mentally hanging in there (laughing), yeah.

Q. So you became a Rolex first time winner last year at the ISPS Handa World Invitational in Ireland, Northern Ireland. It's pretty windy. What do you like about playing in the wind? Obviously it's something that you enjoy.

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: Not going to lie, but I find it a little challenging whenever you play in the wind, windy conditions.

I feel like what I try to do just to try to stay focused on every single shot that I can. Especially when it's strong wind or gust wind. Just really try to stay concentrated.

Q. Do you think having that heightened concentration and needing to concentrate a little bit more, does that help you lock into the shots? I feel like you're a player that likes to kind of shape the ball a little bit, so I'm sure that helps that you can have a little bit more fun in the wind, I guess you could say.

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: Yes, try to stay focused on the starting line and really committing to the shot. I think that and also just trusting your shot and your flight.

Q. I had one quick one. You talked about that bogey on 3. I'm just wondering how do you not get discouraged after an early bogey like that and then go on and birdie four more holes?

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: Right. So the third hole, I hit a good drive down the fairway on that one. I had a long iron, 5-iron. But it was a little muddy on the ball on the right side, so I figured it could potentially, you know, move to the left, but the wind just really picked up on that hole from 2:00. I think it just helped my ball a bit too much to left.

I mean, I just really try not to think too much on that. I really hit my best from that shot, so just try to stay patient and just move on.

Q. I'm wondering if you can take us through some of your ups and downs from this season and how focused you are on ending that on a positive note.

PAJAREE ANANNRUKARN: It's been a roller coaster for sure this year. I started the year out pretty good. To me it's great.

There's a couple middle of the year during the year that I kind of not in the position that I really wanted to, but I kind of think everything we went through, it's always a good experience and just really took that as a good learning experience and try to improve on my game and just try to stay focused and try to stay strong (laughing).

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