CME Group Tour Championship

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Gemma Dryburgh

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: What a debut performance the CME Group Tour Championship. Just your thoughts overall on this week and just kind of your season to get here.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, very happy overall. A little bit disappointed with today, but it was tough out there, and overall very happy with how I finished. I think it's a top ten from what I saw. I can't really wish for much more.

THE MODERATOR: What is it about this year? Are you a different Gemma than you were at the beginning of the year?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Definitely more confidence and belief that I can really belong out here. Just kind of believing in my game and just have a lot of confidence towards the end of the season. So just kind of bring that into next season hopefully.

THE MODERATOR: Into next season definitely hopefully. For you what does this offseason look like, and will you get to celebrate a win -- your past win at home?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yes. So going to New Orleans on Tuesday for three weeks and then going back home to see my family and friends on the 15th of December for three weeks. Then I'll come back to New Orleans and play in Orlando the Lake Nona event.

THE MODERATOR: And start looking for a new house to put the toilet in?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, will have to consider that, I guess. I'm not going to rush into it, but definitely going to have to look into that in the next year or so.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Not only that but having -- I know your parents have been along for the last two weeks after your win. It kind of was a big coincidence that this all kind of just happened itself. What does that mean to you to be able to see your parents see you play some of the best golf?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: It means so much because they don't get to see me too often. They usually come to the U.K. events and maybe one other. It's usually Q Series. It's much better this year for it to be CME and Pelican last week. Yeah, it's great to have them here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
127323-1-1878 2022-11-20 20:40:00 GMT

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