T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Jodi Ewart Shadoff

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jodi after her second round at the T-Mobile Match Play. Solid 4-under today. Talk about your round and posting that low score.

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, got off to a really nice start. Took advantage of some really calm conditions on the front nine, so started off with a really nice birdie on No. 10.

Yeah, just sort of a golf course where you have to stay really patient. That's kind of what I did. I had a couple bogeys on my front nine and then just I had a really nice eagle coming up nine so that really helped.

Just kind of stayed steady on the back nine and held it together.

Q. Talk about the eagle on 18 a little bit.

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, I was just in the first cut and I was actually aiming for the right of the pin, trying to hit it in the middle of the green. Just tugged it a little bit and ended up six feet from the hole.

It worked out, so nice little 3 there from six feet so it was good.

Q. How do you like this golf course? Do you feel like it suits your game in any way?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, you have to be a really good ball-striker, so it's definitely one of my strengths of my game, so it definitely plays to my advantage.

I think you just have to kind of take the opportunities when they come, and I just got on a little hot streak today with the putter which was really nice.

Kind of been struggling a little bit with putting over the past couple tournaments, so really nice to see them start going in again. That was really good for the confidence.

Q. We've played this course before, just in match play. Playing in stroke play, how does that change the strategy on some holes maybe?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Definitely a lot different with the stroke play. You kind of feel like you have to be a little bit more defensive, kind of taking indirect lines to some of the pin locations.

So it's definitely a little different. Yeah, I mean, match play is definitely more exciting I think around here, so be interesting to see the weekend when we start playing match play.

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